Understanding OBV, Trading Strategies Using OBV, and Trading Techniques

📌Understanding OBV, Trading Strategies Using OBV, and Trading Techniques

The OBV (On-Balance Volume Indicator) is a financial technical indicator based on trading volume, which helps investors analyze the relationship between price movements and trading volume to identify trends. It is mainly used to assess the continuity of trends and gauge investor interest.

📈Formula and Meaning of OBV

  • The OBV value for the first day is set to 0. OBV[0] = 0
  • From the second day onwards, the OBV value is calculated as follows:
    • If the stock price rises compared to the previous day, the OBV value is the previous OBV value plus the current trading volume. OBV[current] = OBV[previous] + current trading volume
    • If the stock price falls compared to the previous day, the OBV value is the previous OBV value minus the current trading volume. OBV[current] = OBV[previous] – current trading volume
    • If the stock price remains the same as the previous day, the OBV value remains unchanged. OBV[current] = OBV[previous]

By calculating the OBV value for each date, the direction and strength of the trend can be determined. An increase in OBV indicates a positive flow, while a decrease indicates a negative flow.

🔥 Date | Price | Volume | OBV

For example, assuming the stock prices and trading volumes for a 5-day period are as follows:

Day 1 | $10 | 100 | 0

Day 2 | $12 | 80 | 80

Day 3 | $15 | 120 | 200

Day 4 | $13 | 90 | 110

Day 5 | $14 | 110 | 220

In the above example, the OBV values were calculated based on the fluctuations in stock prices. Analyzing the changes in OBV values helps understand the relationship between stock prices and trading volume, thereby identifying trends.

Understanding OBV, Trading Strategies Using OBV, and Trading Techniques
OBV(On-Balance Volume Indicator)

📈Other Financial Indicators to Consider Along with OBV:

  1. Moving Average: Used to confirm trends and analyze the average movement of stock prices.
  2. Relative Strength Index (RSI): Measures the strength of price movements to identify overbought and oversold conditions.
  3. Bollinger Bands: Indicates price volatility and analyzes trend direction by setting upper and lower bands.

📈Trading Techniques Using OBV:

  1. OBV and Price Alignment: When the stock price rises and the OBV also rises, it can be considered a buy signal. Conversely, when both the stock price and OBV fall, it can be considered a sell signal.
  2. OBV Divergence: Divergence between the stock price and OBV indicates a weakening trend. When the stock price rises while the OBV falls, it can be seen as a bearish signal, and when the stock price falls while the OBV rises, it can be seen as a bullish signal.

🌊Advantages and Disadvantages of OBV (On-Balance Volume Indicator):


  • OBV utilizes trading volume information to analyze the relationship with stock prices, helping assess investor interest and market strength.
  • It is useful for evaluating trend strength and continuity and can enhance investment decisions when used with other indicators.


  • Since OBV solely relies on trading volume to analyze stock price movements, it may not consider other factors that can influence the market.
  • Stock price and OBV alignment or divergence do not guarantee precise trading signals, requiring additional analysis and confirmation.

Refer to the above content to understand the formula, meaning, related financial indicators, trading techniques using OBV, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, and consider using it in your investment strategies.

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